Inquiry About Online Voting Service Integration

  • Nefzawa
    Asked on June 26, 2024 at 6:34 PM

    Dear Support Team

    I hope this email finds you well.

    I am planning a large-scale voting operation and am looking for a

    comprehensive solution that can integrate seamlessly with both WordPress

    and an Android app. Here are the specific requirements for our project:

    1. **Integration**: The solution must integrate smoothly with our

    WordPress site and Android application.

    2. **User Interface**:

    - Users should see a grid of photos with round images of singers,

    featuring zoom in/out animations.

    - Upon selecting a singer, users should be directed to a video URL and

    see real-time voting results along with a text bio of the singer.

    3. **Support**: The solution should include a ticket system and email

    support to handle user inquiries efficiently.

    4. **Hosting**: The voting page will be hosted on a subdomain of our

    WordPress site (e.g.,

    5. **Scalability**: The system should be capable of handling 1.5 million

    votes over a 6-month period.

    Could you please provide information on the following:

    - Available solutions that meet these requirements.

    - Details on the integration process with WordPress and an Android app.

    - Pricing and any additional costs involved.

    - Support options and response times.

    We are looking to finalize our decision soon and would appreciate your

    prompt response.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Best regards

  • Neal JotForm Support
    Replied on June 26, 2024 at 7:40 PM

    Hi Nefzawa,

    Thanks for using Jotform. Since you mentioned that you will need more than a million submissions, you can definitely create an Enterprise account where you can get unlimited storage for submissions by reaching out to our Enterprise Team. Once you have created a ticket through our Enterprise Team they will be able to provide you with the details you need regarding pricing.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

  • Nefzawa
    Replied on June 26, 2024 at 7:57 PM

    how about comprehensive solution that can integrate seamlessly with both WordPress

    and an Android app. Here are the specific requirements for our project:

    1. **Integration**: The solution must integrate smoothly with our

    WordPress site and Android application.

    2. **User Interface**:

    - Users should see a grid of photos with round images of singers,

    featuring zoom in/out animations.

    - Upon selecting a singer, users should be directed to a video URL and

    see real-time voting results along with a text bio of the singer.

  • Jessica JotForm Support
    Replied on June 26, 2024 at 10:54 PM

    Hi Nefzawa,

    You can add your form to Wordpress by using our embedded solution. As for Android app, you can also add iFrame code of your form into your app. To show a grid of photos, you can consider using our Image Radio Button's widget, and you can customize the widget by adding your custom CSS.

    Zooming in and out animation might require JS code. While it's currently not possible to add JS code into your form, you can retrieve your form's source code and adjust the code to your preferences. You can also embed your video by using our iFrame widget within the form.

    For real time voting, such as showing how many submissions are voting for Singer A, B, C, is currently not possible directly using Jotform. But you can consider reaching out to third-party developers to see if you can send the form data, display the data in the format you preferred, and embedded it using our iFrame widget.

    Alternatively, you can also contact one of our partner through this page to help you build your form.

    Let us know if you need more help.

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