When a form is submitted, is there one folder created per submission wi

  • Andreina Parisi-Amon
    Asked on October 23, 2018 at 3:31 PM

    When a form is submitted, is there one folder created per submission with the uploaded file(s), or one folder created per form with all the files that are uploaded through multiple submissions of that form?

    For example, Form X requires submission of files A, B, C. If there were three submissions to Form X, the storage would look like the following:


    Dropbox/Folder-FormX/Folder-Submission2/ A-2,B-2,C-2

    Dropbox/Folder-FormX/Folder-Submission3/ A-3,B-3,C-3

    Thank you!

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 23, 2018 at 4:43 PM

    When you integrate your form a main folder will be created in your Dropbox account, then sub folders will be created per submission. 

    So your understanding and your example about how this should work is correct.