How to pass Single Choice field options to the Text field when calculation values are assigned?

  • TimGNO
    Asked on October 9, 2018 at 8:14 AM

    What if I want to use the 'text' values from a Single Choice widget, instead of the (hidden) 'number' values?

    For example, I have a Single Choice selector (called "Meter Size") with two options (let's call them "A" and "B"), with "Use Calculated Values" turned ON, and those values are set to numbers (let's say "100" and "200") which are not visible on my form.

    My Text Box is using the field {MeterSize}, but it results in "100" or "200" being substituted, just as {MeterSize} would do in a Calculation widget. How can I instead pull the "A" and "B" into my text field??

  • BJoanna
    Replied on October 9, 2018 at 11:16 AM

    If I understood correctly, you want to display the field option and not calculation value inside of the Text field.

    To achieve this you will have to add one more Single Choice field to your form with the same options as your "Meter Size" field. This field should not have the assigned calculation values. You can then pass the value from this field to the Text field.

    Considering that you also need the calculation values, you will have to pass the data entered inside of first "Meter Size" field to the second "Meter Size" field and then use the second field in your calculation. 

    The data can be passed from one field to another with conditional logic. 

    How to Pass Field Value to Another Field?

    Here is a demo form -

    Feel free to test it and clone it

    The second "Meter Size" field should be hidden in your form.