Jotform is currently unvaliable

  • laeciasps
    Asked on June 13, 2024 at 7:23 AM


    I'm trying to run a script on top of the jotform api and I'm getting the following result.

    '</head>\n' +
    ' <body>\n' +
    ' <div class="jf-wrapper">\n' +
    ' <div class="jf-wrapper--inner">\n' +
    ' <div class="jf-title">\n' +
    ' <div class="jf-title--icon">\n' +
    ' +
    ' </div>\n' +
    ' <h1>Jotform is currently unavailable</h1>\n' +
    ' <p>Please try again later.</p>\n' +
    ' </div>\n' +
    ' <div class="jf-text">\n' +
    ' <p>\n' +
    'The most likely causes:\n' +
    ' </p>\n' +
    ' <ul>\n' +
    ' <li>The site may be experiencing excessive load</li>\n' +
    ' <li>The server is down for maintenance</li>\n' +
    ' <li>There may be a network problem</li>\n' +
    ' </ul>\n' +
    ' </div>\n' +
    ' <div class="err-box" style="display:none">\n' +
    ' <div class="cf-error-details cf-error-502">\n' +
    ' <h1>Bad gateway</h1>\n' +
    ' <p>The web server reported a bad gateway error.</p>\n' +
    ' <ul>\n' +
    ' <li>Ray ID: 8931a6a73f331aa0</li>\n' +
    ' <li>Your IP address:</li>\n' +
    ' <li>Error reference number: 502</li>\n' +
    ' <li>Cloudflare Location: São Paulo</li>\n' +
    ' </ul>\n' +
    '</div>\n' +
    '\n' +

  • laeciasps
    Replied on June 13, 2024 at 7:25 AM

    I would like of support of the time developers.

  • Afzal JotForm Support
    Replied on June 13, 2024 at 8:02 AM

    Hi Laecia,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Based on the error message you've provided, it seems like you encountered a temporary service disruption which could be due to several reasons. Please note that we currently do not have any widespread issues on our end that would affect the availability of Jotform services. However, to better assist you and resolve the issue you're facing, could you please provide us with the following details:

    • The exact script you are trying to run.
    • The time and date when you encountered this issue.
    • Any specific steps you took before encountering the error.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

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