Cards form: How to remove/disable "Previous" button?

  • actismedia
    Asked on May 2, 2018 at 10:58 AM

    Hi I would like to remove the 'previous' link from a card form I have created.

    I see on your forum you suggest changing to 'show questions on one page' - the thing is this removes the styling and it's no longer a card.

    The issue I have is that no matter what conditions I have, if I have a multiple choice then when I go to the next question (depending upon what is chosen) the user can hit 'previous' and then go another route, but this then displays questions relating to the previous selection... essentially, having previous there means the 'hide' or 'show' can be overwritten and no amount of login can bring it back again.

    Confusing I know.  Essentially, having the previous means previous hidden questions which related to an alternative choice become visible if the visitor has selected the route to make that question visible but then goes back through another route.

    Thought this would confuse you.  So, how do we turn off the 'previous'.

    Also, when creating 'cards' from scratch, I cannot find a way to display;

    To add the 1 of 5 pages count
    To add a count in general

    This is the form:

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on May 2, 2018 at 12:24 PM

    I am not sure if I have understood your issue correctly. Do you mean to say that if you have conditionally hidden a form field and next button takes user to a question, user can click on the previous button and then see the hidden form field?

    I would suggest you to please share an example of the issue and we will take a look. I did a quick test by creating a demo form and hiding form fields, clicking on the previous button works as expected. Please check the demo form here: 

    We will wait for your response.