Do I have to pay for the full year at once or can I pay monthly?

  • Stéphane
    Asked on May 1, 2024 at 8:25 AM


    J’ai quelques questions à vous poser.

    Concernant la formule gratuite 5 formulaires sont éditables, il est inclus 100 soumissions.

    1ère question :

    Est ce 100 soumissions pour les 5 formulaires ou bien chaque formulaire dispose de 100 soumissions ? ce qui reviendrait à 500 soumissions pour 5 formulaires !

    2e question :

    Concernant l’espace de 100MB, que comprend t’il ?

    3e question :

    Il est inclus 10 soumissions avec paiement mensuel. De quoi s’agit t’il ?

    4e question :

    Il est inclus 10 documents signés par mois. De quoi s’agit t’il ?

    5e question :

    Si je choisi une formule payante au mois, suis obligé de payer l’année complète en une fois ou bien puis je payer mensuellement ?

    Merci pour vos réponses qui vont être déterminante dans ma décision de travailler avec Jotform ou pas



  • Sidharth JotForm Support
    Replied on May 1, 2024 at 9:21 AM

    Hi Stéphane,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question. You do not have to pay for a full year and it is possible to upgrade your account to a monthly plan. Upgrading your account is easy, let me show you how:

    1. On your My Forms page, click on Pricing in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page.

    Do I have to pay for the full year at once or can I pay monthly? Image 1 Screenshot 50

    You can also upgrade your subscription on your account’s Upgrade/Billing page.

    Do I have to pay for the full year at once or can I pay monthly? Image 2 Screenshot 61

    2. On the Pricing page, choose the plan you want to buy.

    3. In the popup window, choose either a Monthly or Yearly payment schedule and either Credit/Debit Card or PayPal as the payment method. 

    Here’s an example of the Bronze plan:

    Do I have to pay for the full year at once or can I pay monthly? Image 3 Screenshot 72

    After you click on Continue, you'll need to enter your Credit/Debit Card details.

    Do I have to pay for the full year at once or can I pay monthly? Image 4 Screenshot 83

    If you choose to use PayPal, you’ll get redirected to the PayPal payment page to complete the payment. Check out this guide for more details about upgrading your account.

    To avoid confusion, I moved your other question to a new thread and helped you in the threads given below:

    Is the 100 submission limit per form or for all forms?

    What is the 10 signed document per month limit?

    What is the 10 payment submission monthly limit?

    What does the 100 MB upload include?

    Let us know if you need any more help.