Not able to edit hidden fields in submission

  • nrhspLaura
    Asked on March 7, 2018 at 11:37 AM

    Hi - I've seen this question posted several times but can't find how to fix. 

    We've got a series of hidden fields that we use in an approval process. It is working on an old version of the form, but a new version (With the exact same logic) does not allow us to edit any hidden fields from the "View Submissions" page. 

    I've been tinkering and tried changing the logic of our new form, but nothing works -- either the public sees the fields in question or they're not editable on our end.

    Please assist!!

  • Marvih
    Replied on March 7, 2018 at 1:01 PM

    It doesn't show because the field has no value or empty at the first place.

    Not able to edit hidden fields in submission Image 10

    You can try and pre-populate the hidden fields with a value.

    Not able to edit hidden fields in submission Image 21

    Or use Update/Calculate condition and insert a value in those field while the user is filling up the form. You can use Unique ID widget for your Applicant ID field.

  • nrhspLaura
    Replied on March 7, 2018 at 1:07 PM

    Thanks for this -- I had tried doing a default value in this field and it still was not letting me edit it while the field was hidden or any other hidden fields. I also tried to trigger it so it was only hidden if the value was the default value, rather than the field being hidden 100% of the time, and this still would not let us edit it. 

    Seems like this functionality used to exist and is now not working, unless there's something else i'm missing.


  • Nik_C
    Replied on March 7, 2018 at 2:25 PM

    You could try with Get Form Page URL widget:

    1520450405Screen Shot 2018 03 07 at 8 Screenshot 10

    And you can create a condition like below for example:

    1520450617Screen Shot 2018 03 07 at 8 Screenshot 21

    So when you edit the submissions, fields that are conditionally hidden will be shown.

    That should work for you.

    Let us know if you have any further questions.

    Thank you!