We receive payments in SGD but I am unable to change currency when I de

  • EminenceEvents
    Asked on January 9, 2018 at 3:48 AM

    We receive payments in SGD but I am unable to change currency when I designed a registration form for my event. Can you assist?

  • Ardian_L
    Replied on January 9, 2018 at 6:34 AM

    If you are using PaymentWall as your payment processor. You can click on the Widget's settings and change the Currency, please check the video below:

    1515497596PaymentWall Screenshot 10

    If you are using another payment processor the method should be the same. Let us know if you have any other question.

  • Özlem JotForm Developer
    Replied on January 11, 2018 at 3:08 AM

    Hello @EminenceEvents,

    In addition to my colleague response, I would like to show the result in the Paymentwall dashboard. If you select your currency as SGD from the currency dropdown and make a test submission, you will be charged as SGD. You can see it in the Paymentwall Dahsboard.

    Please have look at the following video:

    1515658004pw video Screenshot 10


    If you need any other assistance or if your issue still exists please feel free to let us know.

    Thank you.