Input Table: multiple inquiries.

  • Team OOTM
    Asked on March 8, 2024 at 1:21 PM

    Hi Team,

    I am working on the input table (multi-type) and need help with below;

    1. Is it possible to add a textarea instead of text box in one of the columns ?

    2. Is it possible to set different column widths for each column ?

    3. Does the data for each cell in the multi column gets stored in individual cells when connected to a google sheet (on integration)? Or does the input for the entire row gets added to a single cell ?

    Currently the form i am developing requires data to be captured in a single row with multiple elements, the current input table restricts the use of different column width (ex need user to write more than the available column width so the text area needs to be scrollable or expandable.

    Would be great if this could be solved. Thank you !

  • Amin_N
    Replied on March 8, 2024 at 1:36 PM

    Hi Team OOTM,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Let me address the points in question as follows:

    1. Sadly, it's not possible to add a textarea column to the Input Table. However, an alternative would be using the Configurable List widget since it offers textarea.
    2. Yes! It's possible to set different widths to the Input Table columns/rows on classic forms using custom CSS code. Let us know which form field you're working on and the width to give to each column so we can provide you with the respective code.
    3. Correct, each Input Table cell value appears in a single separate cell in Google Sheets when integrating forms with Google Sheets.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you.