When I clone a form the form does not look the same as the original.

  • momiller71
    Asked on September 17, 2017 at 4:35 PM

    When I clone a form the form does not look the same as the original. The margins are all red and I get this message at the top: This form component is not available for this form layout. I don't understand it I'm cloning a form I already have.

  • jonathan
    Replied on September 17, 2017 at 4:42 PM

    I see 2 forms under your account.



    One is using Legacy layout while the other was using the new Form Layout.

    It appears to be a cloned form but using the new layout.

    Can you please confirm that the 2nd form is the cloned form? It is just using the new Form Layout the reason it looks different from the older form.


  • jotformspatulademo
    Replied on September 18, 2017 at 11:28 PM

    Yeah same issue here - cloning previously created an exact replica for me, just trying to use it for the first time again today and it fails to create many of the components and splashes the whole background in red.

    Found this article by searching for "this form component is not available for this form layout"

    Please advise what steps I need to take to make it possible to clone these, or to recover a form for which this has occurred, or if it is a newly introduced bug what the timeframe might be to resolve it.

    Kind regards,


  • jotformspatulademo
    Replied on September 18, 2017 at 11:39 PM

    Wow, ok I think we are being A/B tested on a new feature here that is failing. 

    I found another article that showed why this is happening:

    Basically the new form layout is incompatible with the old, so if you go to account settings, settings and disable that new form layout the import works fine. I'm trying to set up a demo for other people to clone a form I've made a template for, and when I went to my account this feature doesn't actually appear in settings as an option. Then when I signed up for another new account to demo the process including un-ticking that option it had already defaulted to not be enabled. 

    A bit confusing, hopefully it's not affecting many people!

    Ps. Thanks for the awesome product - Jotform rocks and I recommend it to many clients, hence why this has come up :).

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on September 19, 2017 at 12:29 AM

    Most likely you must be using new form layout and that is why you see the difference. Please note that you can switch you form layout to "Legacy Layout" and that should solve your problem. 

    Please check the screenshot below on how to switch your form to "Legacy layout": 

    When I clone a form the form does not look the same as the original Screenshot 20