Field Managers App: Ability to drag fields and drop them on the other form.

  • rwaldenjr
    Asked on September 11, 2017 at 4:05 PM

    That's one of the ways I've been doing it. Actually, I don't find it any easier to use Form Builder than dragging them in Field Manager, other than the ability to clearly see what you're dragging and where you're placing the items(s). Looking forward to them making some improvements to Drag and Place in Field Manger!

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on September 11, 2017 at 4:10 PM

    As I can understand, you would like to be able to drag the fields and drop them on the place you need them on the other form, is this correct? 

    Currently, the app allows you to select the fields and then click on the arrow button to move them to the other form. 

    Please let me know if my understanding about your requirement is correct, a feature request can be opened for this. 


  • rwaldenjr
    Replied on September 11, 2017 at 10:46 PM

    That is correct. When you click the big blue arrow, the element(s) copy easy enough, but they appear at the bottom of the new form. Then, you have to select them, and move them to their desired location(s). And, when dragging them up the list, the screen doesn't automatically scroll. So, you have to hold the mouse key with one hand, and keep clicking the Page Up key with the other to get them where you want them. Very clunky, but it works! Be nice to see this feature request implemented, and possibly see Field Manager incorporated as part of the menu bar options in the main platform, rather than an add-on. It serves a vital role, much like File Explorer in Windows, and we shouldn't have to hear about it via Tech Support. Just sayin'......


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on September 12, 2017 at 12:12 AM

    Thank you for your feedback about this, it's very important for us to get this kind of feedback from our users as it helps us to keep improving. 

    I will forward this to our developers so this can be implemented in the future, although we cannot provide an ETA about when this can be implemented, we will let you know as soon as we get any updates.