Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after

  • wendydroubay
    Asked on April 14, 2017 at 1:17 PM

    I need help creating a form that will take an address, calculate the miles (from a predetermined location to the address they enter), and then generate a price based upon set conditions 


    Ex. 0-12 miles distance has a flat rate of $8 and anything over is an additional $.80 per mile. 


    After the price is generated I will need the form to charge them based on the calculations. 




    Tryston Droubay

    (435) 841-7891

  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on April 14, 2017 at 4:18 PM

    We have what we call Driving Distance widget.

    This widget allows you to set a predetermined address set as an origination location. It also allows you to set a default distance unit (Miles) and hide the unit setting option to prevent respondents from changing it to kilometers. You can set the widget to auto calculate or have a calculate button to process the calculation. This widget is powered by Google Maps®.

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 1 Screenshot 100

    The Driving Distance widget has actually two outputs, Miles and Feet. Feet is used if the output is less than a mile in distance. Since this needs to be considered as well, you need to get the text value of the output by adding a regular textbox field (Short Text Entry) on the form and create the condition below.

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 2 Screenshot 111

    Sample Output:

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 3 Screenshot 122

    Next, you will use a number field for the Total Miles with a default value equal to 1.

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 4 Screenshot 133

    And since you are able to determine the unit of the Driving Distance widget already, you will create a condition that states, "If the output in the "Output in text" field does not end with "ft" (feet), copy the value of the Driving Distance widget to the "Total Miles" number field."

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 5 Screenshot 144

    As for the computation, you will need to create the conditions below after adding another number field, "Total Price".

    Condition #1: If "Total Miles" is less than or equal to 12.

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 6 Screenshot 155

    Condition #2: If "Total Miles" is greater than 12.

    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 7 Screenshot 166


    Once you are getting the correct/desired value in the Total Price number field, add a Form Calculation widget to your form and get the value from the Total Price field.


    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 8 Screenshot 177

    You will then use the Form Calculation field and pass its value to the payment field of your choice.


    Calculate distance between two locations then generate a price after Image 9 Screenshot 188

    You may also choose to hide the fields you don't want your respondents to see in your form.

    Here's the test form where I have applied the workaround above:

    Please feel free to clone it to your account so you can inspect it on your end.


    I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again anytime.

    Thank you.