Square always says "Custom Amount"

  • DaySnyder
    Asked on April 11, 2017 at 1:53 PM

    Is there a way to add a note to the square payment method in the jotform? I want to be able to see what form the money is coming from or what product it is that they paid for when I look at a square report.

    For example, if I'm selling tickets and put all the info in, when someone buys a ticket it goes to square and square just says "custom amount paid". It doesn't say what for, where its from or anything. (I need more than a name and email to know what they are getting.)

    It would also be nice to import products from square instead of making new ones for the form.
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 11, 2017 at 4:27 PM

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to pass a custom field/data to Square, it is not possible forward the products purchased either, this is because the Square's API does not allow this customization and it will only capture the paid amount as custom.

    If you would need to get the details you will need to get them through the submissions page, if the payment field is included in the email notification then details will also appear there. 

    Square always says Custom Amount Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Our developers will surely implement this as soon as it's possible on the Square's end.

    Regarding to your second question, it's been moved to a different thread in order to assist you better. You will find it on this link: https://www.jotform.com/answers/1116867