It this is the case, I think the character counter widget is useless since it does not contain the ability to use the counted number in any other way

  • Beanie3556
    Asked on March 2, 2017 at 3:19 AM

    It this is the case, I think the character counter widget is useless since it does not contain the ability to use the counted number in any other way than to present to the user how many characters are contained.

    It would be great if you could further develop this widget to allow to fetch the result and allow it to be sent to another field where you can use it as a base for another calculation.

    A great number people has asked for this feature since 2012 and we are in 2017 now. I find it rather disappointing that Jotform do not invest in some development here.

    The only solution to me is a work-around which involves java script and downloading the full source code. This is for techies. Jotform sales point is that you can create a form without no coding.

    In this sense, it is a surprise to me that this solution yet does not exist as a on-the-shelf solution.


  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on March 2, 2017 at 3:23 AM

    Yes you are right. The character counter widget displays how many characters are left to be entered. This is for limiting the number of characters to be entered by the user.

    If you want to be able to view the result of the entered words, you can use the Long Text Entry. But, it is for the entered words not for every character.

    The only workaround for this is download the full source code of the form and add a javascript code to the form that is embedded on the site.

    I noticed that you have opened several thread regarding the same issue. Please refer to this thread:

