Adding lightbox form to wix web page

  • skarma
    Asked on January 8, 2017 at 1:39 PM

    I have created my form and embedded to my Wix website . is there a way to link a button to the lightbox form

  • Mike
    Replied on January 8, 2017 at 3:28 PM

    Could you please provide us with a link to your test wix page with embedded form?

    Would you like to open the form lightbox upon a button click instead of a standard lightbox link click?

  • skarma
    Replied on January 9, 2017 at 5:25 AM

    yes excatly, i want a customised button to open the light box form instead of the standard link .  so that i can drag the button to where ever i want and cutomize the design of like any  button on wix.

    the lightbox code  <script src="" type="text/javascript"> var JFL_70073071406446 = new JotformFeedback({ formId: '70073071406446', base: '', windowTitle: 'LADAKH MOTORCYCLE TOUR', background: 'transparent', fontColor: '#FFFFFF', type: '1', height: 800, width: 500, openOnLoad: false }); </script> <a class="btn lightbox-70073071406446" style="margin-top: 16px"> LADAKH MOTORCYCLE TOUR </a>.

    and my site is not published yet, i have some "BOOK NOW". and i want the light box form to pop up on clicking those button


  • seth
    Replied on January 9, 2017 at 7:02 AM


    I checked the wix application. Unfortunately there is no option on the editor to insert javascript code (your lightbox code) into a button. Hence for now, it seems impossible to add a lightbox link into a button on wix editor.

    However you can add your custom button into a HTML box on wix editor. But this option will open the form in the HTML box.  You will need to consider the form are in your web page design. In other words it will not open the light box on your page, but will open it embedded to your page.

    Also you can use a button on wix editor to open a JotForm on the current page or on a new page. Please consider using this option. Add the form link to the button's 'change link' property.

    I hope this answer helps. If you have further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
