Awhi Health and Safety Policy:
Awhi: Peer-to-peer kōrero allows filmmakers to get advice, guidance and encouragement.
Many of the situations we face in our work and career can affect our stress levels and emotions, and in some cases our mental health. To ensure Awhi: Peer-to-peer kōrero is a safe space for both parties, we ask that you consider whether the support you need goes beyond the scope of career and project advice. If so, an Awhi: Peer-to-peer kōrero might not be the right avenue for you at this time.
If you feel you do need mental health support and would like to speak to a trained professional, please visit the Mental Health Foundation website for a list of some of the services available in New Zealand that offer support, information and help. All services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week unless otherwise specified.