Rolling Hills Zoo Donation Request Form
Rolling Hills Zoo is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit foundation. We rely on admission, park sales, donations, and grants to operate the zoo and museum. We do not receive any type of government funding i.e. city, county or state taxes.
Rolling Hills Zoo often receives requests to donate complimentary passes or memberships to groups or individuals for various events. Yet, because we are a non-profit organization, it is not within our means to grant all of these requests.
It is the policy of Rolling Hills Zoo to donate four (4) children’s passes to other non-profit organizations to assist in their fundraising efforts. We are not able to donate to individuals or for-profit businesses.
An organization may only make a request once per calendar year.
Requests are accepted using this form only. Please make your request at least two weeks in advance of your event date. Completion of the request does not guarantee fulfillment. No calls please.
All fields are required.