AHHS Code of Conduct: I hereby agree to abide by the American Hackney Horse Society By-Laws and Code of Conduct. American Hackney Horse Society Code of Conduct is as follows: We, as members of the American Hackney Horse Society, in carrying out our role of providing service to the American Hackney Horse Society industry, recognize the need to do so in a professional manner, and to deal with the public and our colleagues with the highest degree of integrity. To adhere to the professional standards and by-laws of the American Hackney Horse Society is paramount and that every American Hackney Horse or Pony shall always be treated humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion. The American Hackney Horse Society expects all members to conduct themselves in an honest, forthright, ethical, and sportsmanlike manner in their relationship with each other at any time they are involved in matters related in any way to the American Hackney Horse Society. To handle our business, operations and communications (including those through social media) in a manner that promotes the positive image of the American Hackney Horse Society and the Hackney breed.