AMEA honors its members who have shown a special dedication to music education in Alabama. Variousindividuals have been honored with AMEA’s “Outstanding Music Educator” award because members have takenthe time and interest to nominate them. This award provides our organization the opportunity to honor those whohave set high standards for our profession, and who give all of us inspiration and direction. It is likely that everymember knows of colleagues or former teachers who have influenced him or her greatly, and who should be honored with our recognition. Forms must be received by July 15. The presentation of the awards is scheduled for the AMEA Professional Development Conference in January. Qualifications:1. Educator must have served a minimum of ten (10) cumulative years as a music educator in any school system(s)and/or collegiate institution(s) in Alabama.2. Nomination must be made by an AMEA member or by a school administrator. AMEA Board members areineligible for nomination during their terms of office. This nomination should be accompanied by the following:1. A list of specific actions which have initiated or enhanced music education at the local level and/or at state,regional or national levels.