Consent for Anesthesia, Surgery, Release of Medical Records: I,being of legal age and responsible for the animal above, have the authority to grant OOHS, employees of OOHS, and their agents my consent to receive, transport, prescribe for, treat, anesthetize and perform surgery upon the animal above. I understand that modern techniques and medications will be used to care for all animals and reasonable precautions will be used against injury, escape or death of the animal. It is understood that OOHS, OOHS employees, and their agents will not be held liable for unwanted results. Surgery and anesthesia have inherent risks, and individual animals may respond in unpredictable ways. We recommend blood work for any patient over 5 years of age. I understand this statement, and consent to the procedures deemed necessary by the veterinarian. I understand that once the animal is determined to be an acceptable surgical candidate, surgical sterilization procedures will be performed, regardless of the patients' sex or possible pregnancy condition. I understand that the veterinarian can refuse to perform any procedure on any animal for any reason. I understand that if I seek veterinary care post clinic at a full-service veterinary clinic, I will inform an OOHS representative immediately. I give consent for release of all OOHS medical records to the full service veterinary clinic performing the services and release to OOHS Medical Director all veterinary records related to post surgery care sought at the full service veterinary clinic. The cost that you pay is less than the cost the Oregon Outback Humane Society pays to provide your animals care. We rely on donations to make up the difference and your donation is appreciated!