Please pay attention to the following items:
1. Each family shall apply for ONE membership only.
2. Membership is non-refundable nor transferable.
1. 會籍以家庭為單位,故每一個家庭只須登記一個會籍。
2. 會費一經遞交,不論任何原因,將不獲退還或轉讓。
Membership is on per FAMILY basis, so, please pick only ONE membership plan from below, thank you.
填寫此網上表格,即代表 閣下同意把有關聯絡資料交予本會作活動的跟進/聯絡之用。
By filling in the form herein, you agree to disclose your personal contact details to the PTA for the purpose of PTA activities only.