Register up to 3 children per form, if needed you can fill out more than one form. Select the appropriate week of camps as stated for each age group. Each child can only be signed up for ONE week. No in-person or over-the-phone reservations will be accepted until 8:00 am on Monday, February 24, 2025. You will still need to fill out our standard registration forms and return them ASAP. A printable form is attached at the end of this registration form or on our website. Children ages 5-6 years old (at the time of camp) will attend half-day camps from 9:00 am-12:00 pm and the camp fee is $75 per child. Children aged 7-12 (at the time of camp) will attend full-day camps from 9:00 am-3:00 pm and the camp fee is $150 per child.