Seminar Location Notice
Locations are subject to change at any time and for any reason, such as changing public health concerns or venue-related complications.
In the event of a location change, anyone enrolled in an affected seminar will be notified and given the option to withdraw from the seminar and choose a different option.
If a new location is required, every effort will be made to keep the location as similar to the one that was canceled, for example, staying on the Smith campus but relocating to a different building
Thank you!
Enter your seminar choices in order of preference:
To co-register for your first choice seminar with another LIR member, enter that person's name, and phone or email below.
That person must also submit a registration, and must also indicate the same first choice seminar, and that they wish to co-register with you.
Priority registrations do not apply to co-registrations, and co-registration is not available to moderators or auditors.