Distraction Prevention Tips:
• Never leave your child alone in a car and call 911 ifyou see any child locked in a car!
• Make a habit of checking the front and back seatof the car before you walk away.
• Be especially mindful during hectic or busy times,schedule or route changes, and periods ofemotional stress or chaos.
• Create reminders by putting something in theback seat that you will need at work, school orhome such as a briefcase, purse, cell phone oryour left shoe.
• Keep a stuffed animal in the baby’s car seat andplace it on the front seat as a reminder when thebaby is in the back seat.
• Set a calendar reminder on your electronicdevice to make sure you dropped your child offat child care.
• Make it a routine to always notify your child’s childcare provider in advance if your child is going to belate or absent; ask them to contact you if your childhasn’t arrived as scheduled.
It only takes a car 10 minutes to heat up 20 degrees and become deadly.
Even with a window cracked, the temperature inside a vehicle can cause heatstroke.
The body temperature of a child increases 3 to 5 times
Never leave your child alone in a car and call 911 if you see any child locked in a car! Make a habit of checking the front and back seat of the car before you walk away. Be especially mindful during hectic or busy times, schedule or route changes, and periods of emotional stress or chaos.
Keep a stuffed animal in the baby's car seat and place it on the front seat as a reminder when the baby is in the back seat. Set a calendar reminder on your electronic device to make sure you dropped your child off at child care.
Create reminders by putting something in the back seat that you will need at work, school or home such as a briefcase, purse, cell phone or your left shoe.
Make it a routine to always notify your child's child care provider in advance if your child is going to be late or absent; ask them to contact you if your child hasn't arrived as scheduled.
Facts About Heatstroke:

It only takes a car 10 minutes to heat up 20 degrees andbecome deadly.Even with a window cracked,the temperature inside avehicle can cause heatstroke.
Even with a window cracked,the temperature inside avehicle can cause heatstroke.
The body temperature of achild increases 3 to 5 times faster than an adult’s body.