This completed application will serve as the Scope of Work for your project, should it be selected for an award. SCAG may require Community Hubs Program Awardees (“Awardees”) to revise their Scope of Work prior to the implementation period. The implementation period for all projects shall begin no sooner than May/June 2023, pending finalization of the MOU. The project ends on August 31, 2023. The Scope of Work includes two tasks:
Task 1: Project Implementation (May/ June 2023 - August 31, 2023)
Awardee shall perform the activities, as approved by SCAG to implement traffic safety strategies by leveraging community gathering and resource sites.
• Documentation of project implementation, including photos, videos, surveys, etc.
• Mid-Project status update (via phone or e-mail)
• Promotional Outreach Materials (including fliers, etc.)
Task 2: Final Report and Documentation (due September 8, 2023)
Awardee shall provide a short final report of the project that summarizes the implemented strategies, activities, outcomes, reach, impact, and photo documentation. SCAG shall provide a short Final Report template to streamline compilation.
• Final Report