I hereby acknowledge and understand that with the completion of this application, I give my permission to the Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas and to its authorized agents to use any and all means to verify the information in this application. This includes the accessing of information with regards to criminal history, employment history and other information that may be appropriate to my qualifications regarding the internship program.
I further understand that the Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas has the right to review this application’s subsequent information unconditionally, accept or reject my application for internship program placement, and to terminate my internship program placement at any time, and that upon termination, I will return any and all property issued to me by this agency.
I understand that I will receive an intern training manual and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth in this manual. I also understand that this manual explains the Confidentiality Policy, which specifies that for the protection of all served, every person is prohibited from disclosing the contents of any communications, records, and/or files, except for the purposes directly connected with the administration of the Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas.