Great Harvest Hillsboro Employment Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Best time to call
18 years old or older?
If in school, what year?
Sophomore High School
Junior High School
Senior High School
Freshman College
Sophomore College
Junior College
Senior College
Graduate School
What school do you attend?
Westview HS
Liberty HS
Sunset HS
Portland Community College
Portland State University
Hours per week desired.
10-15 hours
15-20 hours
20-25 hours
30+ hours
What is your availability?
What time of the day are you available each day? You will be hired based on your current availability not changing for 6 months.
Will your availability listed above change in the next 6 months?
Which Shift (s) are you most interested in?
Weekend Opener: Shift is 6:15-12pm Sat., 7:30am-1pm Sunday. Weekend openers set up the bakery for success! Openers are responsible for changing menu boards, brewing coffee, putting all products in the sweets case, ensuring all signing is accurate, prioritizing customer service as soon as the bakery opens at 7am, prepping sandwich ingredients, and making sandwiches. Weekday shifts are also available if you are looking to work more than two shifts per week. Must be able to commit to working the majority of weekends throughout the year. This is a fast-paced position that requires initiative and drive.
Sandwich prep: We are looking for someone interested in taking pride in prepping sandwich ingredients, making catering salads, and cutting fruit for fruit trays. Hours are 1pm-6pm. Must be 18 over. Food prep experience a plus as this is an independent position. Other responsibilities include washing dishes and backing up customer service as needed.
Part-Time Kneader: We could use an extra set of hands on our kneading table Friday, Saturday, Monday, and occasionally on Sunday. The shift is from 7am-12pm and includes, kneading bread and rolls, clean-up, and prep for the following day. Must be over 18. This is a physical, fast-paced job.
Customer Service: We need customer service team members that genuinely care about our customers and love making people happy. Must be available between 7am and 5pm. Customer service is our number one priority, and we want some amazing people to join our team.
Closing team members: Closers typically work 2-7:30pm or 4-7:30pm (after school). Great job for high school and college students. Two to three shifts per week, with one weekend day mandatory. This job is a combination of customer service, cleaning and organizing, making sandwiches, etc.
How long do you plan to work for us? What are you future educational/career plans?
Would your previous employer recommend you? Why or Why not?
Have you ever been fired from a job? If yes, please explain.
Employment History
1 Company Name:
1 Supervisor Name:
1 Contact Phone Number:
1 Dates of employment and reason for leaving.
2 Company Name:
2 Supervisor Name:
2 Contact Phone Number:
2 Dates of employment and reason for leaving.
3 Company Name:
3 Supervisor Name:
3 Contact Phone Number:
3 Dates of employment and reason for leaving.
Do you know anyone who has worked at Great Harvest? Who?
Why did you choose to apply to Great Harvest?
Are you capable of heavy lifting? (60+ lbs.)
Great Harvest is an high-volume business with a work day that can be long and stress-filled. Why do you think you can excel under these work conditions?
Great Harvest is a service-oriented business. What does great service mean to you?
Please verify that you are human
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