My signature below indicates that I understand and agree that declawing consists of amputating not just the claws, but the whole phalanx (up to the joint) of the toes. This includes the bones, ligaments and tendons. I understand that declawing is not a “simple” single surgery, but 10 separate, painful amputations of the third phalanx to the last joint of each toe.
I understand and agree that this is a painful and unnecessary mutilation of the cat that could result in chronic paw pain, infection, inability to walk properly and other physical ailments. This also results in the inability for the cat to protect itself and may cause psychological problems that could result in the cat exhibiting behavior such as urinating outside the litter box, biting, fearfulness, anti-sociability and aggressiveness.
My signature below confirms that I attest to Forever Friends Foundation (FFF) that I will not declaw, or allow the declawing of, the cat(s) that I adopt from FFF. I agree that if I declaw any cat adopted from Forever Friends Foundation that I will be responsible for the payment of liquidated damages of $3000, as well as all attorneys’ fees and court costs that are incurred in enforcing this Agreement. Should I need to rehome any cat(s) adopted from FFF, I will obtain FFF’s written consent before doing so. If the cat(s) are rehomed and they are subsequently declawed, I understand and agree that I will be remain responsible for payment of liquidated damages of $3000, as well as all attorneys’ fees and court costs that are incurred enforcing this Agreement, regardless of whether or not I am not the one who chose to declaw the cat(s).
I agree that if I breach the terms of this agreement, ownership of any cat(s) adopted from FFF will immediately revert to them and they shall have the right to reclaim possession of the cat(s).