For programs seeking Initial or Renewal Accreditation, a one-time (non-refundable or transferable) application fee is paid to MACTE for each course level. When seeking accreditation for multiple levels at the same time, a reduced price is assessed after the first level. The program’s application for accreditation should be submitted with payment. Access to complete the Self-Study in MACTE’s portal will be given once the application and fees are received. A formative evaluation from MACTE’s Readers is included with this fee.
For initial levels, once paid, fees are valid for twenty-four months. If the Self-Study is not submitted within this timeframe, a new application and fee is required.
For renewal levels, once paid, the fee is valid for the length of the renewal process. The deadline to submit the renewal level’s Self-Study is six months before the renewal date. Failure to submit by this date may result in a $500 late submission fee. Refer to Section G.2 in MACTE’s Guide to Accreditation for additional information on the renewal timeline.
If you have not already, email the corresponding Initial/Renewal Application for Accreditation to