Submit Photos
We rely heavily on photos from locals and visitors to the Onaqui like you, and we immensely appreciate the help! If you plan to regularly submit photos, please e-mail us at and we can discuss options. Please only use this form if you have 20 images or less. Uploading more images than this can cause the form to time out or send only some of the photos. If you have a large amount of images, we welcome images mailed to us on USBs and/or hard drive. Our address is PO Box 1692 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110-1692. Thank you!
Please upload the largest file sizes you can. We crop substantially onto horses features and so the large file sizes are important to not lose valuable information like whorl locations and markings. If at all possible, please leave MetaData on your photos so that we can get dates from them!
Credit Information (and Opt-Outs)
Starting December 1st, the names of all of our contributors are listed in the "Contributors List" in our downloadable PDFs. We do not watermark the ID photos due to extensive cropping and low quality production in the PDF. By default, we add the photographer's name to all photographs we share to social media. If you have a specific watermark you would like us to use, please upload this with your submission!
Opt-Out of Credit
Opt out of having name on Contributor's List
Opt out of having name on social media
First Name
Last Name
E-mail (optional)
If we have any questions about the photos, we will use this to contact you.
Facebook (optional)
We will use this if we post your photo on Facebook
Instagram (optional)
We will use this if we post your photo on Instagram
Location of Horses (optional)
GPS coordinates preferred; these locations are used to compile general herd movement data and are not shared publicly
Photo Information and Special Requests (optional)
Use this space to tell us anything about the photos you'd like to include such as information about the horses in the images or if your files should be handled in a specific manner (eg. watermark in a specific location).
Upload Photos
File Larger than 20 MB? Use this Instead. (Optional)
Upload a File
Individual files should be no larger than 1 GB. Almost all photos will fit this description.
Upload Watermark Here (Optional)
Browse Files
All file formats accepted, and there is no upload size limit. However, individual files should be no larger than 20 MB.
Submit Photos
How are the images used?
Your photos will be used to keep the web-browser and public catalogue up to date and to provide independent information on the Onaqui Horses to visitors. Photos submitted here will be updated in our web-browser database, posted to our Facebook and Instagram catalogues, available in small format in our ID PDFs, and eventually accessible in our mobile application. By default, we add your copyright (watermark if provided) to all photos and resize to 2048 on the long edge before posting publicly. Please let us know if you would like us to handle your files differently.
Email us at, send us a message over Facebook or Instagram, or send us a text or call at (801) 810-9408
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