Allow to delete uploaded files on submission without deleting the submission data itself

  • kmillerringling
    Asked on March 15, 2016 at 2:14 PM
    Is it possible to keep a form entry while deleting the uploads associated with it?
  • Charlie
    Replied on March 15, 2016 at 2:47 PM

    Currently, there is no button to directly delete the file upload associated with your submissions. You will need to delete the actual submission to delete the file upload/s on it.

    I was thinking of a workaround, what it does is you replace the files uploaded with a smaller file like a 1KB file, you'll need to use the edit link of the submission OR the "Edit" mode in your submissions page. However, it does not delete the file in the submission, instead it literally replaces the old file with the new file on display, but the old file is still in our servers, taking up space in your storage. 

    I will forward a feature request on this to see if our developers can add a delete file upload button on the submissions page dashboard. However, I am unable to guarantee that this will be implemented. But rest assure that we will update you on this thread as soon as we hear any news.

  • kmillerringling
    Replied on March 15, 2016 at 4:18 PM

    Thanks for your response, Charlie.

    It matches what I was seeing and it's helpful to understand the workaround and related limitations since the original file will still be around in some sense.

  • Charlie
    Replied on March 15, 2016 at 4:27 PM

    If that workaround is applicable in your case, you can also try it while the file upload field is set to "Allow Multiple".

    Allow to delete uploaded files on submission without deleting the submission data itself Image 1 Screenshot 30

    In "Edit" mode of your submission, you can hover on the existing file uploaded and click the "x" button. That simply removes the file on your submission (but still only in display). The file remains in our server and will only be deleted once the submission associated with it is deleted also.

    Allow to delete uploaded files on submission without deleting the submission data itself Image 2 Screenshot 41


    I hope that helps.