Once coupon code is removed the conditions do not fall back to previous calculations

  • SunbridgeInstitute
    Asked on January 20, 2016 at 3:42 PM
    I'm concerned about the fact that I'm getting any strange results at all. Why would it sometimes misbehave? What could cause that? I do not feel like I "trust" this form.

    Also, I'm still having trouble with the situation when a person types the wrong coupon code and then deletes it. Is there anything I can do so that the original Combination Discounts will be restored? 

  • Ben
    Replied on January 20, 2016 at 4:00 PM

    Based on the previous thread I believe that this is all happening on the following form:


    Now if you are using form embedded somewhere, tit would be great if we know the link to the same since some issues could be caused by the same.

    I say this because I am not able to recreate this issue - but I am able to recreate others that you have mentioned (which I will go over in the other threads shortly)

  • SunbridgeInstitute
    Replied on January 21, 2016 at 1:36 PM

    Yes, that is the correct form. I am not embedding this form into any other form; it is a stand-alone.

    I am able to recreate this problem consistently. I select several courses until I have some combo discounts showing. Then I type 123 (or anything wrong) into the Coupon Code field, then I delete it. When I do this, all the combination discounts blank out, and the Total Tuition picks up the Tuition Subtotal, which is incorrect.

    I can see a user just trying to guess the code, in which case they will lose the other discounts that they should have been getting, when they realize they're getting it wrong.

    Thanks so much for your help.

  • Ben
    Replied on January 21, 2016 at 3:20 PM

    OK, got you now and I understand what you mean. What happens is that you have a check to hide the fields if someone starts typing into the coupon code field (if it is filled).

    And if you combine that with the conditions to clear out the fields value - or the option in the form preferences to do so, the fields will be returned as empty.

    To rectify this, all that you should do is find the condition that checks if condition code is filled out and change that the same action only happens if the correct coupon code is added.

    That way they will see all the fields as they are while adding wrong code and as soon as it is the correct code it will be hidden.

    Most likely no one will remove the coupon code afterwards.

    Hope this helps, but if you have any issues (and since you have mentioned that you have made some changes), I still presume that the same form is in question and we can take a look and help with the exact conditions.