Show only some of the data of the form on email

  • miyonimuwc
    Asked on October 1, 2015 at 6:51 AM

    i have quite a long form with some long text answers. 

     in the table at the bottom part of the submission page the sumbitted forms are shown with all the answers and thus  the slot for each submission is very very wide and not comfortable to work with. is there an option to configure the table so it will show only some of the data of the form (only name/email/phone and such..) ? 


  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 1, 2015 at 9:35 AM

    Yes it is possible to edit notification and delete the fields you don't want to appear on email by removing the field tags.

    First, open your form notification.

    Show only some of the data of the form on email Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Delete the fields you don't want to include on email. Here's a visual guide:

    Show only some of the data of the form on email Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • miyonimuwc
    Replied on October 1, 2015 at 10:19 AM

    i am not referring to the email notification but to the jotform submission page itself.Show only some of the data of the form on email Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • mert JotForm UI Developer
    Replied on October 1, 2015 at 12:00 PM


    I understand that you want to configure appearance of your submissions' data on "Submissions" page. It is possible with little adjusting on the same "Submissions" page.


    To do that,

    On the "Submission page", when your mouse over one of the fields' tab, there is a little arrow appear right next to it. Click to that arrow, it will open the hover menu. You can find the detail from the image below:

    Show only some of the data of the form on email Image 1 Screenshot 30


    Also, you can drag and drop the fields' name to sort them.

    Show only some of the data of the form on email Image 2 Screenshot 41


    I hope this information will help you. For further assistance, please always feel free to contact us.


  • miyonimuwc
    Replied on October 2, 2015 at 2:56 AM

    thanks a lot it worked!

    but i still have a problem. i unchecked all the fields i don't want to appear and then it did change the appearance like i wanted it to. however once i make any other change/ click with my moue on one of the submission/ try to download pdf / anything else  - it comes back to the full all fields appearance like it was before and i need to uncheck all the fields over and over again.

    is there a way to make this configuration permanent? 

  • mert JotForm UI Developer
    Replied on October 2, 2015 at 4:40 AM

    Hi again,

    In the same "Submissions" page, you can make these changes permanent. Also, this method affect the downloaded files in PDF, CSV and Excel file formats.


    To do that,

    In "Submissions" page, click to gear shaped icon, then uncheck the fields that you don't want to show.

    Show only some of the data of the form on email Image 1 Screenshot 20


    I hope this one will help.
