Size limit in the file upload field

  • jdfm1975
    Asked on May 6, 2015 at 10:02 AM
    Also, is there a size limit in terms of the number of photos that can be uploaded for the competition as a whole? Very grateful for your advice.
  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 6, 2015 at 10:15 AM

    Hi James,

    Yes, for each plan type, File Storage is limited. For example, Free Accounts are limited to 100MB of File Storage. If you need more than this limit, you have to upgrade your account to our paid plans. Please check our pricing page for the comparison:

    Note that you can also just delete a submission with a file upload to it to free up your file storage space. Just please make sure to download the submission and file first before deleting it from your account. Otherwise, there's no way you can recover it later.

    As for the file size limit in the form, this guide will help you select the options:

    Let us know if you have any further questions.
