Want form cleared AFTER submission

  • bdoodle
    Asked on February 14, 2015 at 11:21 PM

    My form is not cleared after it is submitted.   I have read many forum questions asking about clearing a form after submission.  You have answered that having a form still reflect prior submission input (when it is returned to after a submission) as a feature and a function of the autofill option.  It is a feature when you leave the page BEFORE you have submitted it and find the details still there when you return.  If is a problem when the input data from one submission remains when one returns to the page perhaps for an entirely different purpose or order.  e.g. It is a problem when the quantity and color of something on a previous order remains on the form when reaccessed later (after the data was submitted earlier) when the customer may want to order something else. 

    Do you have a way to achieve this without the user having to hit clear form before they start any subsequent form completion and without having to disable autofill, a helpful option which causes their name and address to appear automatically when they begin to reenter those fields?  Am I missing something?

    Please let me know.

    Thanks very much!


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 15, 2015 at 3:50 AM


    Unfortunately, there's now way you can do that if the AutoFill feature is enabled to your form. The autofill feature is currently added to save form field entries for a specific period of time. It's either someone will click the "reset" button or manually remove the previous field entries after they refresh the form.

    For now, I think of requesting an option to exclude fields in the autofill feature. Are you thinking of the same, perhaps? Or, maybe a reset button for a specific section in the form - inside each form collapse? Let me know!

    Thank you!

  • bdoodle
    Replied on February 15, 2015 at 8:26 AM


    Thanks for your reply.  If autofill prevents the loss of input data BEFORE submission, then I want to continue to use it for all fields. 

    Is there a way for me to code the evoking of the form clear form button function after someone clicks on the submission button and it is successful?

  • bdoodle
    Replied on February 15, 2015 at 11:39 AM

    Thanks for your response.  I really do appreciate your support!

    Trying another tack...

     I've put a clear form button at the top of the form, but I don't want the form to be submittable from there.  (This clear form button would be used if someone wanted to clear a previously submitted order or if they wanted to start over once they had started filling in a form.)   Since the clear form button only comes with the submit button, I have used a wee image that blends into the form for the submit button so it won't be noticed by a user.  Unfortunately, the image has a red border.  How can I remove that red border on this pseudo submit button?

    Want form cleared AFTER submission Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Jan
    Replied on February 15, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    I need to create another thread for your other inquiry because it is considered as a different issue.

    This is the URL of the new thread: http://www.jotform.com/answers/516409

    We will attend to it shortly. Thank you for understanding.

  • Jan
    Replied on January 1, 2017 at 11:04 AM


    Your reply on this thread is not showing. Please open a new thread so that we can assist you properly. Thank you.